A GOOD THING: Edition 9

Hello from the GTP family,

It’s quite steamy here in NYC. We hope wherever you are reading this from, that you are making summer memories you won't ever forget. This week we are chatting about progressions. At Good Time, progressions are one of the most fundamental elements to our teaching style.Our teachers aims to create a space where no matter the level of the student, they feel class is accessible. Progressions are key to making this possible. You can take any exercise from slow to complex, which allows students of any level to participate.

Progressions include how to go from basic core mat work, to planks like this on the reformer! Try out this quick core workout to start finding the core building blocks or revisit basic movement.

Progressions are also the easiest way to track progress. Maybe the first time you tried something… version three and four felt so far out of reach. Then all of sudden, it’s four weeks later and you’ve mastered the entire series. Presenting movement in this way allows you to actively keep track of your own understanding. This can empower confidence to spill over into the rest of your life! 

Last but certainly not least, progressions help our teachers keep track of the changes you are applying in class. As well as, the strength you’ve built and the places you still need attention. Pilates isn’t something to master but something to return to over and over again. Our teachers are dedicated to helping you understand your body on a daily basis. Taking pride in exactly how we show up rather than only planning for a future version of you! Join us this week to get a taste of how progression are what it’s all about.


A GOOD THING: Edition 8