A GOOD THING: Edition 4

Alright ya’ll, Let’s talk about our OBLIQUES!

Our obliques are an important group of muscles that support stability and mobility of our trunk as well as attach your top to your bottom half. We use them in way more movements than we give them credit for and can often have strain or pain from tightness in them as well (sorry low backs.)

In the photos you can see all the main movements that your obliques are responsible for: lateral flexion (above) stability and rotation (below). It is normal to have your range of motion be limited on one side due to overworking or tightness in the obliques and is great to understand that your sides and movement can adjust for that! No two sides of the bod are the same in strength and weakness, so give yourself a break when working within these ranges of movement.

Check out the vid below for a little bit of a knowledge drop, and check out our IG this week for tips, tricks, and some free mini workouts to get those obliques fired up!

As we move through classes in this next week, remember proprioception (touch) is a great way to trigger on a muscle that is otherwise lazy or dormant in the bod. So take a feel around those internal/external obliques this week and let’s get those puppies fired up!


A GOOD THING: Edition 5


A GOOD THING: Edition 3